sábado, 13 de junio de 2020

No, no, that one I save just for me...

-Spoilers ahead-

Private Ryan: I can´t see my brothers faces...I´ve been trying, and I can´t see their faces at all...
Has that ever happen to you?

Captain Miller: You gotta think of a context,

Private Ryan: what does that mean?

Captain Miller: Well you don´t just think about  their faces, you think about something specific, something you´ve done together. Well when I think of home, I... I think of something specific. I think of my, my hammock in the backyard or my wife pruning the rosebushes in a pair of my old work gloves.

 Private Ryan: This, this one night, two of my brothers came and woke me up in the middle of the night. And they said they had a surprise for me. So they took me to the barn up in the loft and there was my oldest brother, Dan, with Alice, Alice Jardine. I mean, picture a girl who just took a nosedive from the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down. And... and Dan's got his shirt off and he's working on this bra and he's tryin to get it off and all of a sudden Shawn just screams out, "Danny you're a young man, don't do it!" And so Alice Jardine hears this and she screams and she jumps up and she tries to get running out of the barn but she's still got this shirt over her head. She goes running right into the wall and knocks herself out. So now Danny's just so mad at us. He, he starts coming after us, but... but at the same time Alice is over there unconscious. He's gotta wake her up. So he grabs her by a leg and he's dragging her. At the same time he picks up a shovel. And he's going after Shawn, and Shawn's saying "what are you trying to hit me for? I just did you a favor!" And so this makes Dan more angry. He tries to swing this thing, he looses the shovel, goes outta his grasp and hits a kerosene lantern. The thing explodes, the whole barn almost goes up because of this thing. That was it. That was the last, that was, Dan went off to basic the next day. That was the last night the four of us were together. That was two years ago...Tell me about your wife and those rosebushes?

Captain Miller: No, no, that one I save just for me.

Debo admitir que soy aficionada a las películas de guerra, 
y sin dudas mi preferida sobre la segunda guerra mundial es"Saving Private Ryan"
 Aunque mi escena favorita es cuando el capitán Miller pregunta en cuánto va el pozo de apuestas para adivinar su profesión y al confesarlo sorprende a toda su escuadra
y desactiva el conflicto entre Reiben y el sargento Horvath,
(ya corregí la transcripción para publicarla) 
traigo a colación esta escena en particular porque siempre tuve problemas con ella,
o mejor dicho, tenía.

Cuando era chica y veía la película, siempre me enojaba con Miller por no hablarle a Ryan sobre su esposa y sus rosas, no solo porque Ryan acababa de abrirse y contarle algo muy personal, me enojaba el hecho de que ese recuerdo no sobreviviera.
Ahora me pregunto, si intentaba contarlo
¿Hubiese podido poner en palabras lo que significaba para él, hacerle justicia?

Hay momentos que son tan nuestros...
quizás no sean espectaculares,
ni hayan ocurrido en una tierra mágica
o sacra;
sin embargo nos acompañan 
a través de infinitos paisajes y peripecias.
Nuestro corazón los revive
bajo la suave caricia
del sol invernal,
o los proyecta al cosmos
en una abreviada noche de verano.
No hablamos de ellos
los guardamos para nosotros mismos,
y aún así 
esos momentos dejan su huella
 en la mirada,
en la cadencia de la voz,
en el ánimo de los días nublados...

And scars are souvenirs you never lose
The past is never far...
This is such bullshit.
Y'all got that right.
Bullshit? This is bullshit?
Shooting prisoners is OK?
lt's against the goddamn rules!
The rules just walked
off with your friend.
But l guess that was
the decent thing to do,
huh, Captain?
Get your gear. Let's go.
You heard him. Gear up.
The Captain
just gave you an order.
Yeah. Like the one
to take this machine gun.
That was a real doozie, sarge.
Soldier, you're outta line.
Yes, sir, one hell of a call,
to take this nest.
But, what the hell,
we only lost one guy.
l hope mama Ryan's happy
knowing that little Jimmy's life
is more important than our guys!
But then, we haven't
found him yet, have we?
Get the hell off me!
Reiben, get up.
Gear up. Fall in.
l'm done with this mission.
Don't walk away from your
Captain, get back in line.
l'll go to the stockade
if l have to.
- l won't ask again.
- Captain!
This is bullshit!
Fall in!
- You'd shoot me over Ryan?
- No, l don't like you.
Just let him go!
Are you letting this happen?
Captain! You see this?
- Captain? Sir? Ryan's dead.
- Bullshit!
- Sir, we have a situation.
- l have a sixth sense, l know.
You don't kill Krauts,
but you shoot me, huh?
- He's better than you.
- Do it. Put one in my leg...
l'm gonna shoot you
in your big goddamn mouth!
Put your money where your...
You don't know when to shut up.
Captain, please!
What's the pool on me up to?
- You coward son of a bitch!
- l'm waiting, sarge.
Mike, what's the pool
on me up to now?
What...what's it up to?
What is it, $300?
ls that it, 300?
l'm a schoolteacher.
l teach English composition
in this little town called
Addley, Pennsylvania.
The last 1 1 years,
l've been at
Thomas Alva Edison High School.
l was the coach
of the baseball team.
l'll be doggone.
Back home, when l'd tell people
what l do for a living,
they'd think,
''Well, that figures.''
But over here, it's a...
a big...
a big mystery.
So l guess l've changed some.
Sometimes l wonder
if l've changed so much,
my wife will even recognise me
whenever l get back to her.
And how l'll ever be able to...
to tell her
about days like today.
Ah, Ryan...
l don't know anything
about Ryan. l don't care.
The man means nothing to me,
just a name. But if...
lf finding him
so he can go home,
lets me get back to my wife,
well, then...
then that's my mission.
You want to leave?
You want to go off
and fight the war?
All right.
All right, l won't stop you.
l'll even put in the paperwork.
l just know, every man l kill,
the farther from home l feel.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=saving-private-ryan
Get your gear. Let's go.
You heard him. Gear up.
The Captain
just gave you an order.
Yeah. Like the one
to take this machine gun.
That was a real doozie, sarge.
Soldier, you're outta line.
Yes, sir, one hell of a call,
to take this nest.
But, what the hell,
we only lost one guy.
l hope mama Ryan's happy
knowing that little Jimmy's life
is more important than our guys!
But then, we haven't
found him yet, have we?
Get the hell off me!
Reiben, get up.
Gear up. Fall in.
l'm done with this mission.
Don't walk away from your
Captain, get back in line.
l'll go to the stockade
if l have to.
- l won't ask again.
- Captain!
This is bullshit!
Fall in!
- You'd shoot me over Ryan?
- No, l don't like you.
Just let him go!
Are you letting this happen?
Captain! You see this?
- Captain? Sir? Ryan's dead.
- Bullshit!
- Sir, we have a situation.
- l have a sixth sense, l know.
You don't kill Krauts,
but you shoot me, huh?
- He's better than you.
- Do it. Put one in my leg...
l'm gonna shoot you
in your big goddamn mouth!
Put your money where your...
You don't know when to shut up.
Captain, please!
What's the pool on me up to?
- You coward son of a bitch!
- l'm waiting, sarge.
Mike, what's the pool
on me up to now?
What...what's it up to?
What is it, $300?
ls that it, 300?

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=saving-private-ryan

4 comentarios :

  1. A mí las bélicas me hacen sufrir innecesariamente, pero esa la tengo pendiente de ver :)

    1. Pocas películas son tan obligatorias querida Ikana! jajajaja

  2. Así es Aquamarine, tal cual como tu dices hay momentos que son nuestros. Nuestros porque solo nosotros sabemos como nos sentimos cuando los recordamos, son prácticamente sagrados. Esos instantes son las cosas que nos llevamos cuando llega el ultimo día de nuestras vidas. Y no es que no las contemos por egoísmo sino porque tenemos temor a que no las comprendan o no las sientan como lo hemos hecho nosotros.

    Los momentos especiales realmente en muchos casos son situaciones totalmente normales y mas de una vez cotidianas. Somos justamente nosotros mismos los que les damos el significado especial, como por ejemplo alguna reunión de amigos que unos recuerda mas que otras, porque no lo sabemos, pero es así. Y para otros puede resultar el momento mas corriente del mundo. Ademas que los recuerdos con los años cambian de sabor, de matices, uno saca conclusiones distintas de ellos cada vez que los recuerda.

    En fin son como pequeños cristales que cambian de color cada vez que uno los saca a relucir ante la luz de la luna o del sol.

    Un saludo enorme y hermosa reflexión!

  3. Me ha encantado tu imagen de los cristales querido Emanuel! No podría agregar mucho porque no dudo en que lo vives de la misma manera! Siempre agradecida de tus letras! n.n


¡Gracias por dejarme tus letras, te aseguro que pronto recibirás las mías!